
Japa is the repetition of any mantra or name of the Lord.In this iron age Japa is the easiest and surest way for God-realisation.
Repeat 200 malas of Japa daily. Mala or rosary is a whip to goad the mind towards God. Wear a mala on your neck. It is the most precious jewel or ornament as it reminds you of God.
Practice of Japa removes the impurities of the mind, destroys sins and brings the devotee face to face with God. Japa must become habitual. Be regular in your Japa.
The glory of the name of God cannot be established through reasoning. It can certainly be experienced through faith, devotion and constant repetition. Have reverence and faith for the name. Do not argue.
Every name is filled with countless powers. Just as fire has the natural property of burning things, so also the name of God has the power of burning the sins and desires.
O Man! Take refuge in the name and cross this formidable ocean of birth and death. Name and Nami are inseparable. Glory to the Lord. Glory to His name. Hari OM. Sri Ram.